Tuesday, October 7, 2014

No different

The hills smell the same 
Before and after we came 
The chocolaty mud slipped upon 
Is what others also chanced upon. 
The tongues that loosen 
Not the best ones are chosen 
The bird goes about its chore
Landscape for it appears a bore
A desk that it has to man 
with an attentive eye to scan
A snake stumbled upon doesn't move 
Pretending to be dead it stays a groove 
A pacy wild cat has left its mark 
on its way to hiding in deeper bark.
Our guides spoon up heady tales 
As idling grows mythical tails

Among all the creatures wild 

That scarred the night a mild 
Is the beast sleeping inside me 
That roared and snored in utter glee. 
The tent shook with sleeplessness 
And fates were locked in helplessness 
Hills might remember the snore
And make a place for it in their lore.